GEMBA Defn (noun) origin Japan: meaning the place where activity happens, the place where value is added.
Gemba is different…….it’s not a claim we make lightly ……….but unlike many consultancies, we follow the principle that that you cannot understand and improve a business from a conference room or from behind a computer screen, you must go to the place where it actually happens……..to reduce your costs, improve your quality and increase your customer service you have to “Go to Gemba”
We created Gemba Associates in response to the operational and strategic
challenges that businesses across all industries face today.
We focus on 4 key areas Efficiency, Problem Solving, Projects and Change Management.
Gemba originated in manufacturing and engineering, primarily focusing on Procurement and Supply Chain. However our work on developing business processes has taken us into many other industries including Medical, Insurance and Cosmetics proving that the principles of Lean business processes can be used by any organisation in any industry and applied with equal benefit to both operational and administrative activities.
Passion is not a word often used in the world of Operations but at Gemba, we share a passion to help create industry leading businesses that deliver sustainable Increased Profit, Reduced Working Capital and Improved Cash Flow while achieving leading levels of Customer Service and Increasing Shareholder Value
Underpinning all that we do is the development of lean, sustainable and value creating business processes and the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement. We coach, educate and mentor your staff so that together we not only solve the immediate problem but we leave you with the ability to continue the improvement process.
Invest just 15 minutes of your time to look further………….we believe it could just be one of the best investments you ever make.